Captain C's Medical Journal
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Enough Already! Obama Does Not Mean "Good" Change!
Beyond popular belief Barack Hussein Obama is NOT all that. I don’t know if people are afraid to say anything against him because he is black or if they are afraid that they will be called a racist or extremist or be taxed..... but come on people, this is ridiculous.

Currently, I have counted seven people that Obama has hand selected for top positions that have not paid their taxes. No wonder democrats are the first to vote to raise taxes - they aren’t paying.

The latest, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius from Kansas (nominated for Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary) just flat out lied about the campaign money that she received from a late-term abortion doctor. She didn’t just make a mistake, she lied about it. She said that she was sorry and now the stupid American people have forgotten all about it.

His nomination for Chief Performance Officer, Nancy Killefer, withdrew after she was caught not paying her property taxes. Her job was to make the U.S. government “more effective, more efficient, and more transparent.” Of course, she apologized too and all is forgiven.

Then there is my favorite, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who could not figure out turbo tax and decided that he need not pay his taxes. Obama appointed Geithner to be head of the IRS. No problem there! Geithner owed more than $40,000 in back taxes. Of course, he apologized too. (Let’s not forget what Tim Geithner’s job was before he became top dog of the IRS - yea, that’s not conflict of interest).

How can we forget about Sen. Tom Daschle from South Dakota whom Obama nominated to be HHS Secretary? Old Tom did not file over $140,000 in back taxes. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t he one of the democrats that kept raising the tax laws so us hard working Americans would have to pay more? So, shouldn’t he know about the laws that he helped pass? But, don’t fear - he apologized as well.

The Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis’ husband, hadn’t paid their taxes on their auto repair business since 1993. I guess they thought that they didn’t have to pay taxes on their income like every other American. However, as soon as they were caught, they too apologized and all is forgiven.

The nomination for US Trade Representative goes to Ron Kirk, a former mayor of Dallas. Don’t fret, Ron has agreed to pay over $10,000 in back taxes to make things right.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson withdrew his name from the Obama nomination pile when controversy arrived at how state contracts were being issued to political donors. No word on his apologies yet.

I’m glad that Obama has done something. He has broken the record for the most nominations given to personnel that have had unpaid taxes. The current record was six over a two term Presidency held by Pres. Bill Clinton. Obama has beaten that record in 100 days. You go boy!! Now that is “Change We Can Believe In!!”
posted by Capt. C @ 8:27 AM   1 comments
Monday, October 06, 2008
I Guess I am Just Confused
Today we are in the biggest financial crisis of our history. Our brilliant and apparently underpaid Senate is going to save us from all of OUR bad doings (please refer to the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 and the revision of 1992-1997). You will understand that my last statement is pure sarcasm. Because our initial government plan of a $700 billion dollar bailout of Wall Street was so poorly written in a three page document, our Senate has come to our rescue. The House rejected their horrible plan at the beginning of this week, so the Senate has apparently fixed it. Our Senate has “sweetened” it up a bit to make the bailout plan WORK!!

Now, as far as I can see the ONLY difference made to the original three page bailout plan was that the Senate raised the ceiling on federal insurance for bank deposits from $100,000 to $250,000 (which is good thing). However, the bailout plan grew slightly from three pages to 451 pages. Now, there has to be something good with all of that - right? Actually, this is earmarks and pork spending at its greatest. Here the economy is crashing and our Senate decided to help the economy by adding an additional $150,000,000,000 bill to the tax payer.
So, now our new bill is $850,000,000,000. To break this down so our simple pea-brains can understand this very advanced math (because we ain’t as smart as our government) that comes to $2,833.33 per person in the United States. So, basically because there are five people in my immediate family - my bill comes to $14,166.66 that I will have to pay back just break even. Now, I am thinking that if I (along with everybody else) put that money into the economy - that everybody would get a better result. But, I guess I am just too stupid to understand.

However, here are a few things that my tax dollars are going to help pay for (I am so excited):
(1) increase in limit on cover over of rum excise tax to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (I don’t even drink)

(2) extension of economic development credit for American Samoa (yea, I guess the tuna business is suffering - oh yea, from all the corn that our government insisted needed to be grown for fuel - read my article about corn being bad for the environment to fully understand this)

(3) a seven-year cost recovery period for motorsports racing track facility (I guess the fastest growing sport in the country just isn’t making enough money.. oh yea, aren’t we TRYING to decrease oil / gas usage in America?)

(4) an extension and modification of duty suspension on wool products; wool research fund; wool duty refunds, extension of temporary duty reductions (all related to wool products) - I had no clue that I wore so much wool. I am going to have to try to cut down wearing it!!!

(5) exemption from excise tax for certain wooden arrows designed for use by children (I guess I will HAVE to buy wooden arrows for my children this year) exemption for certain wooden arrow shafts (I might as well get the shafts too) a tax break for windmills that general electricity (I didn’t know wind was so expensive)

(6) a tax break to spur employers in the region hit by hurricane Katrina (Good grief, when is enough enough for the Katrina folks??? Why don’t I just sign my freaking pay check to them? Apparently, they DESERVE it more than I do! When do we get to stop spoon feeding them? When will they do something for themselves?)

(7) a tax breaks for Hollywood film and television producers (I guess they are not all billionaires yet?)

These are just a few. So, why all the earmarks and pork spending - lobbyist need to get paid and then the lobbyist will pay our Senators. That’s simply economics 101. So, we are in the biggest financial crisis of modern time and our government still can not do the right thing. They have to pad their pockets first. However, economics 101 also states that somebody is going to have to pay the bill. And that my dear friend is US!!!

Do you remember the first of this week when I said that our government will screw this up? ....................... Point proven!!
posted by Capt. C @ 7:07 AM   1 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Let the chips fall where they may
I am not asking you to agree with me. I am not even asking you to give me your opinion. Frankly, I don’t care what your opinion is. Nobody knows what the future will hold. Nobody knows how our economy will be in a year or five years from now. But, what I do know is what has happened in our past.

Now, I don’t want to hear anybody telling me that I left something out of this. There are so may levels involved that no one person can fully understand it. And I can promise you that no matter how many times you tell me that I am wrong, I will still be right. Just wait and see. I am sick of hearing “experts” talk about something that they know nothing about --- The Economy and this crisis that we are in (which I am about to talk about - weird).

If you know me, then you will know that I am a FIRM believer in consequences. I believe if you do something (right or wrong) there is a consequence that will / must take place. I believe that there is a lesson that should be learned. If you do something wrong and there is no punishment (i.e. this bailout), then no lesson is learned and it WILL happen again. This economic crisis is no exception.

I will go out and say - I am 100% AGAINST the $700 Billion plus bailout. There are so many reasons why I am stating that this is the WRONG thing to do (prior to it passing). I know some of you are asking “What do I know? Who is this guy?” Well, I am willing to say that I may know more than your average bear. I am Tom Chenowith, a tax paying, law abiding, living within my means US citizen.

This bail out is HUGE. It will be the biggest check ever written (it is what I call a “blank check” - you know, here is the money to fix the problem, but we aren’t really doing to fix the problem). There are so many echelons that will be impacted. I am not for sure if anyone can fully understand just how deep this problem goes. I guess we can start with how this started. That would fall under our Congress, our brilliant Congress that has screwed up virtually every task that has ever been given to them. To include, but not limited to, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Education, TSA, Border control, Border responsibility, Immigration, etc. And now - to add to their long list: Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977 (a law that forced banks to make loans to people with bad credit). From 1993-1997 as directed by President Clinton, the CRA took on an enormous task of trying to enable low income families to have the ability to own their own home.

So, basically you now have people that can’t afford a home, buying a home. But, hey - it’s good for the economy, right?

Due to the mandatory relaxation of the rules and regulations for getting a loan to purchase a big piece of property - the American people continued to do what they do best - live beyond their means. The American people were (still) buying homes that are bigger than what they need, more expensive than they can afford, and have become a burden on our society. But, hey - it’s good for the economy, right?

Do you know that they average credit card debt is $9,000.00 (probably even more now, because this was an old reference). But, I would encourage you to read this.

A couple of highlights from this article are that 1 out of 73 filed for bankruptcy in 2003 and the average household debt in America (not counting mortgage debt) is $14,500. In comparison, in the 1930’s the middle and working class had NO major debt.

Enough of all of that, though, I will be honest with you. I believe that our government has PROVEN to me that they do not have foresight or the ability to do this bailout correctly. Let’s face the facts. Our government can’t even build a border that 85% of the US population wants and has paid for. They have actually spent more time, money and energy (not the physical energy either) than it would have taken to build the border in the first place. Doing this bailout will mean that our economy will still collapse, markets will remain low and now we are even in more debt. Do you realize that $700 billion dollars is 40% more than what this war has cost? Do you know what you can do with $700 billion dollars? If you stacked the bills on top of each other, you would be able to touch the moon. If you laid them out, you could cover New York, Washington, D.C., and Delaware. You could give every man, woman and child in the U.S. over $2,000.00 each. Bailing out the rich folks is probably not the best solution for this $700 billion. But, hey- it’s good for the economy, right?

What should happen? Well, I will tell you. The FBI (which is finally involved) should find all the padded pockets, all the overflowing bank accounts and arrest each and every person that has been involved with the people’s money. Which means Obama (who received over $126,000 from Fannie May and Freddie Mac) and even McCain (who received $21,000) should go to jail. I know many of you are saying that them receiving this money is legal. Of course it is legal. Congress which passes the laws makes it “legal” for them to do this. They have been padding their pockets for decades, however, it is unethical. There needs to be a new law - if it is unethical, then it are illegal. Taking money from private companies to turn your head is called bribery in the civilian sector. Seriously, it is time to play hard ball. It is time to clean the corruption in our government. If that means that every single congressman and senator goes to jail - then so be it!!!

Once the FBI has found and arrested all parties involved, then the government (whomever shall be left standing) should then look at the individuals that did nothing wrong. The people that put their money into these banks (saving and checking accounts) and say, “Basically, X amount of dollars where stolen from you, here is your check” and give them back what they lost (I am not talking about stocks either - the stock market rises and falls, it’s a risk - we all know it when we buy). And for people that bought or lived way beyond their means that is TOUGH. The tax paying citizen should not be responsible for you living a life that you can’t afford.

I have been told that by not bailing out the banks our country would go into a recession or even depression. My response is, “Good!” Maybe we Americans would then learn to live within our means. Maybe we should give up one of our four cell phones. Maybe we should turn the plasma screen TV off and play board games with our family. Maybe we should stop going to fast food restaurants and start having dinner around the family table. Maybe we should give up all of our cars and walk or ride a bike. Maybe we should stop using credit cards for buying stuff that we can't afford. Maybe would should clean out the 100 pair of shoes that we have in our closet. Maybe would should stop wearing designer clothes. Maybe we should turn the air conditioner off every once in awhile. Maybe, just maybe, living a simpler life would be better. Maybe instead of trying to “fix” the economy or bail rich people out - maybe, our do nothing right congress, should let the chips fall where they may.
posted by Capt. C @ 2:53 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
When To Celebrate
A dictionary defines celebration as “a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event... any joyous diversion.”

Who defines “joyful” or “joyous”? Is it up to each individual? I believe that I tend to celebrate more than others. I clap and say “Yeah!” after I finish a delicious meal that my wonderful wife has made for me. I celebrate with my precious children all the time. Children will celebrate anything. If you have small children, then you understand what I am saying. A child will clap for joy when they put a toy in a pail. A child will laugh with excitement when they see a puppy. A child knows how to celebrate.

As we get older, for some reason we don’t find the joy of putting toys in a pail. We don’t see the wonders of life when a puppy wags its tail. We become so desensitized of the miracles of life. We have lost the joyful purpose of celebration....

I know you are thinking, “Where are you going with this?” I do have a point. I want you to take a deep breath, open your mind and just allow me to explain something to you that you will NEVER see on the news.

When I was deployed to Iraq in 2006, things were a little different. Hardly a day would go by when somebody wasn’t trying to kill me. This is especially true for the first few months that I was there. I know that some will argue that having a random mortar fired towards you is not “really trying to kill you.” Okay, but if you haven’t had a random mortar fired toward you, then what do you really know? And if you have had a random mortar fired at you, then you know that they are trying to kill you. So, I will argue the point.

Anyway, during my six and a half month tour, I did anesthesia for over 280 cases. For those of you that don’t understand case numbers, that is a lot of cases. Of those cases, I am willing to say that nearly 240 of those cases where trauma (or trauma related) cases. I did very little elective cases. I can not even begin to tell you how many units of blood and blood products that I pumped into those patients. I can not remember how many deaths I saw. I can tell you this, I pumped in more blood and blood products in that six and a half months than most civilians will pump in a lifetime. I probably saw more death than any of you will ever see (unless you have been here or you are a mortician). Slightly off the subject - I went to an anesthesia conference a year or so ago. I was attending a course that was being taught by a man that was at “the number one trauma center in the USA”. It sounds impressive doesn’t it? Well, when he told us about the most units of blood that has ever been given to an individual at their facility, I just had to smile. I was thinking, “Really? That’s it?? I have beaten that number on more than one occasion.” For the record, I gave over 120 blood products to a single patient in under four hours. You do the math - that’s kicking.

Now lets fast forward 18 months. I have once again arrived in Iraq. Grant it, I am still in the early stages of my deployment. I have been here for almost two months. But, let me tell you that things have changed. Things have changed in ways that I would not have dreamed.

First lets start with the random mortars. I can’t remember the last one. They are so few and far in between. Second are the cases. I have done a total of 23 cases since I have been here. Of those 23 cases, only four have been trauma. All the others have been elective cases.

Now for the real news, something that you will be hard pressed to see or hear about in the media. There are new schools, new hospitals, new training centers, new communities that HAVE BEEN BUILT. Not by the Americans either, but by the Iraqi people. There are almost as many Iraqi Army Soldiers as there are US Soldiers here. The number of Iraqi Soldiers is growing by the day. There is another HUGE piece of the pie. The Iraqi people are seeing and “understanding” the difference that is being made. Something I thought could never happen. I was wrong. That’s right - I admit that I was wrong. The Iraqi population understands that if they inform the authorities, not only will the bad guys get caught, they will also be protected. So, now the communities are stepping up to the plate. The bad guys may be able to threaten one person, but they can’t threaten them all. So, they are learning to stand up against them.

So, what does this mean? Well, it means that there is decrease in life being lost - on both sides. There is an exponential number of bad guys being caught and killed. The bad guys are getting desperate. Now, here is where I will have to stop giving details. But, I can say that they are truly getting desperate and it shows.

So, why have you not heard about this? Well, it is because that would mean that the media would be responsible for informing the public of the truth, not just its’ agenda. It would mean that the media would HAVE TO ADMIT THAT THE SURGE WORKED!!! Not only did it work, it has changed the community. The media doesn’t want you to know this. They want you to be ignorant of the facts. They want to push a certain person into the Presidential seat so they can have even more power and more money (yea, don’t full yourself - it’s all about power and money).

So, I have to ask. If a country that was full of blood shed just 18 months ago, is now relatively a peaceful country - is that something to celebrate??? I know the children are celebrating.........
posted by G. @ 6:11 AM   1 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
It's Called "Angel Flight"
Angel Flight is something that every American should have to see, but no one should ever see.

The call came across the speaker that at least one Soldier was on his way with a severe head injury. Estimated time of arrival, 45 minutes. The emergency room (ER) begins its very well organized preparation for the arrival of the Soldier. Another call came across, saying that now there maybe two Soldiers arriving, then another stated three. About 20 minutes out, yet another call came saying that only one Soldier would be arriving and he was in critical condition. Standing in the ER anticipating his arrival were one ER doctor, two surgeons, two anesthesia personal, a hand full of nurses and highly trained medics.

The call comes across the speaker, “two minutes out.” What seemed like the longest two minutes were so quickly interrupted with the most dreadful regarded words of all, “He’s expected”. We didn’t know if this meant that he had already died or if the crew thought he was going to die. All we knew is that within two minutes we were going to do everything that was in our power to send this Soldier home ALIVE!!

Two minutes past, the doors open up and the Soldier comes in on a stretcher with his head covered. We knew then that he had died in route. An erie silence falls upon the ER. The hopes of stealing his life back, slipped right past our fingers without us even having the opportunity to try. His life was taken away from us before we were able to change the, sometimes, horrific course of nature. Your gut seems empty. You want to throw up, you want to cry...... but there is nothing that you can do to, it’s over!

Within 12 hours, the Soldiers from his unit are all out in front of the hospital. They are preparing to execute with precise military excellence their final respects to their brother - they are preparing for the Angel Flight.

I (along with my colleagues) am out on the runway. We are facing the flag bearers and the back of the C-130. The flag bearers are holding the American flag and their company flag high with pride. The entire airport is silent. There are no engines running, no planes coming or going. There is complete silence. I look beyond the plane to the other side of the runway and I see a line of civilian workers standing in a straight formation. There is nothing by silence and respect.

“Platoon. Attention!! Right, face...... Forward, march!” is commanded from behind the concrete wall. “Go left.... go left .... go left” is what you hear from the Platoon Sergeant leading the deceased Soldier’s brothers across the flight line toward the C-130 plane. “Platoon halt! Left face.” The Soldiers now passionately await for the arrival of their beloved brother. There are tears of sadness, emptiness running down the faces of these brave and very strong Soldiers. To the left we see the ambulance carrier the departed Soldier being escorted by one his brothers inching slowly and painfully toward the flight line. The ambulance positions itself so that the back of it lines up perfectly to the back center of the open C-130. As we wait for the next movement, the ambulance’s engine is turned off. Again, silence falls upon us.

To our right, we hear “Forward, march.” A group of eight Soldiers, the pallbearers, four long and two wide, being lead by a Sergeant marches them to the either side of the ambulance. The back doors are opened. The command is given “Present Arms!” Every Soldiers holds their salute and the civilians across the runway place their right hand over the left chest. Then, two Soldiers at a time with crisp, razor sharp movements take either side of the American flag draped coffin and gently remove the Soldier from the ambulance, one smooth motion at a time.

Once the Soldier is out, the order is given and the pallbearers with sharp, harmonic motion rotate the coffin 180 degrees. The Soldier is then walked head first up the ramp into the C-130. You can hear the Chaplain that is standing on the back of the plane saying “The Lord in my shepherd. I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside the still waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil....” Then, the Chaplain is up at the front of the plane with the Soldier. I can no longer hear what is being said. After a few moments the command “Right Face” is given and the pallbearers march off the back of the plane.

In the still, peaceful morning the command “Order, Arms” is given...............

With the most respectful regards,

CPT Tom Chenowith
Mosul, Iraq
posted by Capt. C @ 12:01 PM   2 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Just Being Honest
For those of you that know me, you must admit that rarely, if ever, have you witnessed me feeling down. In fact, I tend to find the humor in almost everything. Don't get me wrong, I have moments just like everybody else, but this time it is a little different.

Yesterday (May 12, 2008) marked 60 days left to spend with my family before I go to Iraq. It seems that time is flying by and yet I know that when July 12th arrives - time will cease to move. I can't seem to hold my family enough, kiss my children enough, play with my children enough, and tell my wife that I love her enough. My children do not understand that in 59 days, I will leave and may not come back. It is a very scary and surreal time in my life.

I am actually having trouble sleeping at night. Every time that I lay down, my mind goes to that horrible place called Iraq. There is nothing that I can do to get out of going. The military still demands that I do all the "games" for the military. But the shocking thing is that it is totally irrelevant that I play the games well. In fact, I could refuse to play the games and I will still be deployed. All of this contributes to the depression that I am feeling.

The only good thing about this deployment is that it will be my last. Shortly after I get back, I will turn in my papers. That will bring so much joy. But until then I will have to continue to feeling this way – watching the clock fly by and realizing that this could be the last time that I am with my family...I'm just being honest!!
posted by Capt. C @ 8:59 AM   1 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Cinderella's Ball

I love being a Daddy. It is one of the most wonderful adventures a man can experience. But, when you are a Daddy to a Princess - life can take an entirely different direction.

Ariel (my daughter) is four years old and growing older every day. To her, I am the smartest and strongest man in the world. There is nothing that I can not do in her eyes. I am her everything. I am the man that she "is going to marry." In her beautiful, innocent eyes I can do nothing wrong because I am "DADDY!!!"

However, I know that in a few short years she will wake up and I will no longer be that wonderful man. One day she will be embarrassed that I am her Dad. I won't be able to do anything right and I will be the last person she would come to if she needed anything... this is the day that I fear and wish will never come. This will be one of my saddest and darkest days...

Ariel, like all little girls, loves to dress up like Disney Princesses. She loves to pretend that she is going to the ball to meet her "prince." Today, that happened!! Allow me to share this moment with you...

While Ariel was taking her nap, Jenny (my wife) and I moved all the furniture out of the family room. We blew up balloons and placed them all over the floor and walls. I got the 10 foot ladder out and hung ribbons from the ceiling fan down to the walls. We created a ball room.

I, very quietly, entered into Ariel's room and placed an innovation on her pillow that read, "Daddy wants to invite you to a Princess Ball in the family 22 July 2007." I hung her beautiful Cinderella's dress on her bed. When she woke up she saw the invitation and her dress. Jenny was in her room and told her that she was invited to Cinderella's Ball to dance with her Prince. She was so excited. She was jumping with joy.

She put her Cinderella dress on with a smile that could be seen from space. She places each little delicate foot into her very small glass slipper. Jenny helped her put her crown on her head and gloves on her hands. Then the announcement is summoned, "Lady's and Gentlemen Miss Ariel Grace Chenowith is now arriving at Cinderella's Ball!" As she walks down the hall that is filled with balloons, she hears the Cinderella's music being played. She steps into the "ball room" where she sees me standing there in a suit awaiting to request her hand for a dance.

She reaches up with her little gloved hand and places it so gently into mine. Then, she placed each little foot on top of mine and we danced!!! For a moment, the world stood still. There was no war, there was no anger, there were no heartaches – for a moment there was nothing but love, joy and peace. Oh how I wish this would never end. I wish that she would stay four forever. I wish that I will always be her hero. I wish, I wish... But, I know the clock will strike midnight and my little Princess will be gone. So, I will hold on to this "glass slipper" (memories) forever.
posted by Capt. C @ 7:18 PM   7 comments
About Me

Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
See my complete profile
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